Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009: A Year For Making It Happen

Your apprenticeship is officially over...

Hurrah hurrah, for so long we have been learning our life lessons, plugging away at growing, onwards and upwards, ever striving and ever thriving...

Now, 2009 is officially the year of MAKING IT HAPPEN. Of applying all that we've learned. Of reaching our highest potential and manifesting that which we've been working towards all this time.

What are you manifesting? What are your gifts you'll be sharing with the world? What will you be doing to shine your light on the whole delicious Universe? Add Your Comments

~ Anita Revel
(in her InnerGoddess newsletter via

*** Brought to you by ***

6-8 March 2009, Western Australia

Calling all mothers, daughters, grandmas, sisters, aunties, earth mamas, fairy godmothers, friends and goddess sisters... Join us for a gathering of fun, food, fabulousness, nature trysts, healing, laughter, medicine walks, workshopping and sisterhood.

* 2-day OMENS & ORACLES workshop, with Lucy Cavendish;
* Fully catered including a magical FEAST on Saturday evening;
* Energy exchange includes workshop, accommodation, meals and laughter.

Make yourself ready for the wonder: of 2009: come to the WWW, and find your wild, free self again. Don't miss out... Get your tickets online or phone 0417-YES-I-DO (0417-937-436 in Australia)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The sweetest revenge

The sweetest revenge is living your sweetest life.

~ Anita Revel

Friday, October 17, 2008

Life is more fun when...

Monday, October 6, 2008

(Day) Dream Workout


I believe that taking time to daydream, ruminate, percolate and germinate is as healthy for your body as a 30-minute physical workout. It clears cobwebs, refreshes perspective, recharges self-love and appreciation, helps you own the moment, and re-centres your view of yourself in the world.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Size zero matters


See “Size 0” as antimatter – numbers on labels don’t matter!

~ Anita Revel
Beautiful on the Inside (Beautiful on the Outside)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Physical and mental health

I think positively in order to improve my physical health. For my mental health, I walk.

~ Anita Revel

Friday, October 3, 2008

Message from Tyche


Tyche (pronounced tee-chee) is the Greek goddess of fortune who rules your degree of Life and Luck. Tyche's dice will roll in your favour when you help others improve their fortune.

~ Anita Revel

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The modern mantra


Personally, I take the form of mantra into a new realm, where instead of repeating a sound pattern over and over until I’m in a trance, I repeat a positive phrase that washes over me and through me until every cell in my body resonates with that word and its meaning.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The 7 Sacred Laws


These are the 7 sacred laws to live your life by:

1. Be safe
2. Feel emotion
3. Know thy Self
4. Love fearlessly
5. Speak the truth
6. See beauty
7. Understand bliss

~ Anita Revel

Monday, September 29, 2008

Know your limitations


Disappointment occurs when expectations are too high. Take charge of your life. Stand up for yourself by defining your personal boundaries. Know your limitations and you will understand the limits of others. When you are clear about what you can or cannot do, then others know where they stand with you and you with them.

~ Gail Goodwin
Liberate Your Spirit, Manifest Your Potential

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Heart chakra affirmations


The one underlying theme for heart chakra affirmations is rooted in the Universe’s greatest power: love. All other key words build on this theme: compassion, joy, trust, empathy, balance and harmony.

Themes for release include distrust, guilt, grief, intolerance, resentment, self-loathing and bitterness.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout

Saturday, September 27, 2008

On being 'different'


...Someone who feels unworthy of joy does the opposite – they wait for instructions on how to behave, what choices to make and feel more comfortable by swimming with the stream. Only dead fish swim with the stream, goddess sister, so wake up, take a breath, and begin to capitalise on all the things that make you ‘different.’

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Message from Baubo


Baubo, the ancient Grecian goddess, is one of many wild goddesses of sacred sexuality. A crone goddess with irreverent joy and liberation towards sexuality, she reminds us to relish sex, love, and above all, laughter.

~ Anita Revel

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sex object


Psssst. The best way to be a sex object is to object to meaningless sex ;-)

~ Anita Revel
Beautiful on the Inside (Beautiful on the Outside)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to release toxic thoughts


Release toxic thoughts. Sometimes you will find your mind reverting back to old habits of self-sabotage. It will try and override your success with negative statements such as “this is ridiculous!” One way to release such resistance is to visualise a stop sign and show it to your inner critic. This tells your negative voices to “stop!”

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout

Monday, September 22, 2008

Avoid rocking the boat


Too often we say what we think others want to hear – usually to keep the peace or to avoid rocking the boat. Enough of that. Step up to own your truth, goddess sister, and be proud of every word you say.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A place to "be"


We all need a sacred space in our homes where we can ‘be’. A place to simply breathe, brood, and let life go on around us. As well as a physical space to do this in, we need to give ourselves the permission and Goddess Time to enjoy our own company, our own insights and our own gifts.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Solar plexus chakra affirmations


When creating an affirmation to energise your solar plexus chakra, anchor key words and themes around reclaiming power, keeping power and being empowered. Also look at integrity, authenticity, respect and self-worth.

Themes for release include manipulation, bullying, anxiety, fear and self-loathing.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout

Friday, September 19, 2008

The noise in your head


Learning to reprogram your mind to think positively is the only tried-and-true way of cancelling out all the random noise that prevents you from realising your full potential.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A balanced diet keeps you from...


Pssst. A balanced diet also keeps you from unbalancing the scales!

~ Anita Revel
Beautiful on the Inside (Beautiful on the Outside)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Message from Ceres


Earth Mother, Ceres represents the cycles we experience as part of human nature, and allows us to accept the ebbs and flows graciously. She empowers us to find our centre and gently go with the flow.

~ Anita Revel

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's your birthright

When you truly honour and appreciate the earth, nature and your heritage, you begin to realise that it's your birth right to be here. Appreciating where you've come from, and who has gone before you, and how this shapes your life now, helps you to realise your place in the cosmos. You are one piece of a puzzle that makes up the whole. Accepting this is both empowering and humbling.

~ Gail Goodwin
Liberate Your Spirit, Manifest Your Potential

Monday, September 15, 2008

Promise to Self


In seeking to accomplish a positive life, I hereby align my attitude with the vision of that which I seek to attract.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout
( - home of the free 7-Day Chakra Workout e-course)

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Sacred Vigilance is a new meditation tool. Please, don’t let the word “meditation” fool you. Sacred Vigilance is like anti-meditation in that it doesn’t involve quiet space, rhythmic breathing, chanting, sub-consciousness, fasting, slowing, or anywhere-in-betweening.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation

Saturday, September 13, 2008

On malicious gossip

...Which brings me back to the very human habit of ‘gossip’. Mindlessly repeating hearsay as truth can be tactless, unnecessary and sometimes pretty nasty. In all my years of working with goddess archetypes, I have yet to find a tattletale amongst them. Therefore I can safely say mindless prattle is definitely not goddess-like behaviour, ladies.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sacral chakra affirmations


Words and themes to incorporate into your sacral chakra affirmation can revolve around fun, play, sexuality, joy, femininity, freedom, flow, trust, permission, abundance, prosperity and creativity.

Themes for release include control, fear, prudishness, self-loathing, self-judgement, creative block and depression.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is my truth?

What is my truth? To find this out, try asking yourself: What's really important to me? Define your personal values by listing all the qualities and characteristics that are important to you. Trust, honesty, compassion, integrity. Name as many as you can, then have the courage to live by them. A combined set of values become your personal operating principles. They will guide you in all that you do. When you live according to the values you have named, you have found your truth.

~ Gail Goodwin
Liberate Your Spirit, Manifest Your Potential

Monday, September 1, 2008

On wilting wallflowers

You weren’t born a wilting wallflower, a shrinking violet, or any other wimpy flower for that matter. You were born to be radiant. So open yourself to blossom, get your budding enthusiasm positively blooming!

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Message from Eostre

Goddess of fertility and new beginnings, Eostre's passion for new life lets our own lives take the new direction we have wanted for so long.

~ Anita Revel


Saturday, August 30, 2008

When your crown chakra is blocked

(When your crown chakra is blocked…) You may have a faith system that sustains you, but there is enough room for doubt that you occasionally slip into more earthly concerns. It may prove very healing to record the dreams you remember and identify recurring themes running through – this could be a subliminal key to what is really going on for you.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Friday, August 29, 2008

Count your blissings

Notice all your blessings that bring you joy. How many aspects of the journey you took with your subject can you relate back to you, your own life, your own desires, and your own deep-down belief that you deserve everything you gifted your subject?

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Thursday, August 28, 2008

How fear is healthy

...just as it’s desirable to have happy thoughts, it’s also natural to have some moments of doubt, anger, negativity or fear to help us benchmark what (and where) happiness lies.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Remember your roots

Remember Your Roots. There are many reasons to trace your family history… some of them are better than sex! (You can do it alone or in a group, when you do it online the kids can watch, and the only protection required is a back-up disk.) Perhaps the most compelling reason, however, comes from Roots author Alex Haley. He said, “a nation's history is only the selective histories of all of its people.” Find your place in history to help you understand who you are today.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Message from Ishtar

The patroness of belly-dancers, Ishtar is the Babylonian goddess of love and sensuality. She inspires lovers every-where to connect with the feminine divine. Men and women alike can embrace the true essence of what it means to be woman – graceful, feline and sensual.

~ Anita Revel


Monday, August 25, 2008

Goddesses of abundance

In the aspect of abundance, the goddesses teach us that a poverty consciousness only serves to deny you what you deserve. Abundance is good, (greed is not), whether it be material, esoteric, emotional or otherwise. Ask for what you want and deserve, and give yourself permission to receive it.

~ Anita Revel


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Taste the fear

Rather than letting fear be the excuse for inaction, I believe that fear is a gift – it serves to remind us where the line lies between our known limitation and our unknown bliss. Fear spurs us on to cross that line in order to celebrate the essence and rewards of new horizons. Taste the fear, and give it some pepper.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Saturday, August 23, 2008

The element of earth

The grounding properties of Mother Earth represent our fundamental bond to family and home. She is a symbol of sustenance, fruitfulness, solidity and endurance. And she connects each and every human being on this planet uniting us as a collective community and extended family.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Friday, August 22, 2008

Base chakra affirmations

Key words and themes to incorporate into your base chakra affirmation can revolve around feeling safe on your journey. Themes for release include insecurity, invisibility, boredom, disconnection from humanity or impatience.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Message from Venus

The embodiment of the feminine divine, Venus is the goddess of beauty, sass, sunshine and love. She rules over your sense of style and your appreciation for acts of love, pleasure and romance.

~ Anita Revel


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's a nice day for a daydream

Are you filling your life with so much busy-ness that you don’t have time to stop and count blades of grass or follow a snail’s trail? Clutter is a convenient way of avoiding being with your true thoughts. Every day is a nice day for a daydream, so start escaping the toxic thought patterns from today.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Put your saddle on

Now, I may be able to lead a horse to water, but it is you who must ultimately put the saddle on for the ride of your life.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Monday, August 18, 2008

Mantra for the Law of Benevolence

Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so. Imagine, it is so.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Sunday, August 17, 2008

On being supported...

It was when I was heading from a B to a D-cup bra that I realised this wasn’t the kind of support I was looking for. Good support is about having family and friends around you that aren’t going to offer you cigarettes or cake (or whatever your poison) when they know you’re giving them up in favour of new, healthier habits.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Saturday, August 16, 2008

The 3 heart-break-Rs

Why are you so hard on yourself? Don’t you know you are a beautiful being worthy of not only the best treatment from others, but also from yourself? This means easing up on what I call the Three Heartbreak-Rs: Regrets, Reproach and Retribution.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Friday, August 15, 2008

Message from Cordelia

She may be known as the goddess of summer flowers, the Queen of May and a graceful faery spirit, but Welsh goddess Cordelia is no sissy. She teaches you to stand firm so good things can come your way.

~ Anita Revel


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Global gratification

(On collective dynamism)

The collective vibrations of shared good intentions criss-crossing your neighbourhood, your city, your country and the planet generate collective dynamism, which in turn manifests as global gratification.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

See change as positive

It’s a trap to think that in order to change you have to make a sacrifice. Think of breaking bad habits as a positive step in taking care of yourself. Think of all the things you’re leaving behind and instead focus on what you’re gaining.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Take it easy to make it easy

Take it easy. Having been outside your head, focussing on someone/something other than yourself, listen to how quietly joyful it is inside your head. If the voices of self-doubt and self-sabotage were workmen, Sacred Vigilance serves to give them a day off. Then a week. Then, once you’ve worked out that they serve no function and that they’ve just been bludging off you all these years, Sacred Vigilance enforces an early retirement altogether.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Monday, August 11, 2008

The love-faery

Knock knock! This is your little love-faery here to remind you that love is the Universe’s greatest power. You may as well give up thoughts of keeping that wall around your heart – once you get your heart chakra activated it’s bound to come tumbling down.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Sunday, August 10, 2008

The 4 keys to success

Success comes from being conscious of your choices, your reasons for making those choices, the insights that come from this consciousness, and how you apply new habits.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Message from Freja

Freja is the Nordic goddess of love and war. The cycle of life and death is inevitable, so show passion for everything in between and celebrate the beginning and the end (which is really the beginning again).

~ Anita Revel


Friday, August 8, 2008

Going within by going without

Meditation doesn’t have to be boring, strict or rule-ridden. You can connect with your unlimited potential within by going without… without all the pins and needles, distractions and squeezing time, that is. Without the self-doubt and the self-criticism that you’re “doing it wrong”. And without the guilt that you should really be doing something else right now.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Managing blockages

You must consciously choose to change your habitual responses to your blockages. That is, you can only change your blockage by changing your mind about how you will manage them.

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bounce benevolence back

Notice how easy it is to be unlimited for someone else, so now do the same for yourself. As generous as you are with others, be as giving, supportive and absolutely unlimited in recognising your own potential. Consciously address the thumbs-down flags in your story as gently as you would for your best friend

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The upshot of being spontaneous

‘Spontaneous’ may well be your middle name, but as you know yourself so well, you are quite prepared to accept the consequences of your actions. You are proud to own your actions because they define you.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Monday, August 4, 2008

Gather with women

Whether it's a goddess workshop, sacred retreat or women's circle, any event that connects women in a safe space is invaluable for a healthy state of being. This is by far the most beautiful way to awaken the heart, body and soul.

~ Anita Revel

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Message from Artemis

Say yeee-haaa and welcome to Artemis, the moon goddess whose gift of strength helps you say no to forces that inhibit you. You are a powerful being able to bring an end to destructive forces in order to start afresh.

~ Anita Revel


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Are you a puppet?

Have you got a PUPPET sign on your forehead? Without any personal boundaries or understanding of who you really are, it’s no wonder you are being used, abused and/or taken for granted.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Friday, August 1, 2008

Smiling for no reason

Generally you know intuitively when the crown chakra is balanced when you find yourself smiling for no apparent reason, or you’re able to stop, be in the moment, and feel absolutely content with your life.

~ Anita Revel
Selena’s Crystal Balls, A Magical Journey Through the Chakras


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Attracting integrity

It’s only natural to feel anxious about some situations, but at the end of the play, it’s really all about you. Why are you so concerned about what other people think of you anyway? That's none of your business ;-) Know who you are to attract people of equal integrity.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Message from Kali

Hindu goddess of destruction, Kali rips the carpet from under your feet and turns your life upside-down, but only so that you can find your true life path. She also helps you get rid of your attachment to excess baggage (kind of like United Airlines, only Kali is more polite, ha ha).

~ Anita Revel


Monday, July 28, 2008

Affirmative action

By the time you go to bed tonight, you will have had around 60,000 thoughts go through your head. Reflect on your day for a moment… what ratio of your thoughts were positive? Were your thoughts mostly random or deliberate? Were they out of left-field or in reaction to a catalyst?

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Sunday, July 27, 2008

It is easy...

Some things are easy to change: you just do it. Other things are harder to change. Or are they just hard because you’re conditioned to believe that they’re hard? Why does it have to be hard? Change your words to “it is easy” and watch how everything falls into place for you.

If you catch yourself saying, “it’s hard,” stop and consciously change your statement to, “it is easy.”

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sacred Vigilance

Sacred Vigilance is a new meditation tool. Please, don’t let the word “meditation” fool you. Sacred Vigilance is like anti-meditation in that it doesn’t involve quiet space, rhythmic breathing, chanting, sub-consciousness, fasting, slowing, or anywhere-in-betweening.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation

Friday, July 25, 2008

She who doesn't shine...

She who doesn’t shine shall never become a star.

~ Anita Revel

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Message from Lilith

Sumerian goddess Lilith is honoured for her wisdom, freedom, courage, playfulness and sexuality. Portrayed as a demon by frustrated priests, she is a true pioneer in promoting equality between the sexes by remaining true to feminine wisdom.

~ Anita Revel


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A woman is connected...

A woman who is connected with her inner goddess is one who truly loves every aspect of herself in all senses -- physically, mentally and emotionally. She never concedes her values, and chooses only to honour that which is right for her and for the greatest good of all.

~ Anita Revel

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Manifesting the ancient goddess

So how can a modern gal reconnect with the ancient goddess energy and manifest in her modern life?

Simple. By being aware of yourself and making choices with intention. Every action, thought, projection of self, and treatment of others is a reflection of the goddess within.

~ Anita Revel (

Monday, July 21, 2008

Being goddess

Being 'goddess' is about channelling and showing the strengths of the real You. A modern goddess is able to tap into her intuition and trust that it guides her in the right direction. She is able to look in the mirror and say, with meaning, "I love you." And, she is able to act with integrity for her highest good at all times.

~ Anita Revel

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The 7 key aspects of holistic well-being

By holistic well-being I mean that I achieved balance in the seven aspects of physical, transformational, intuitive, emotional, creative, mental and spiritual well-being.

What are you doing to achieve wellbeing in any (or all!) of these seven aspects?

~ Anita Revel


Saturday, July 19, 2008

What are you grateful for today?

We have a thousand things a day that entertain us, inspire us, humble us and teach us, but there should be at least one stand-out thing to be grateful for every day. What are you grateful for today?

~ Anita Revel

Friday, July 18, 2008

Goddess birth signs

Just like astrology, goddess energy defines who we are and what our life purpose may be. The alignment of stars and planets influence our personalities, values and choices. Every action, thought, projection of self, and treatment of others is a reflection of your goddess sign.

~ Anita Revel

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love is like jello

Love is like jello - the more you try and hold onto it, the more it squeezes out of your grasp.
~ Anita Revel (Memoirs of a Goddess)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Develop a goddess creed

Developing your own goddess creed allows you to summarise or talk about your Self and your passions with confidence. Even if you never say your creed out loud to others, just going through the process itself helps you work out in the first place who your Self is and what your passions are. It helps you reconnect with your inner workings, your values and where your boundaries lie. And maintaining boundaries, dear goddess sisters, is the giant leap for womankind that keeps us balanced and brimming with self-respect.
~ Anita Revel (

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Be a butt-kicking super goddess

When I say, Greek goddess Athena knows how to kick butt, I’m not talking about her anti-smoking habits. I’m talking about her ability to pick up her sword and defend her home-town of Athens and all that which was rightfully hers. Be inspired by Athena to win one of your own life challenges today.
~ Anita Revel (

Monday, July 14, 2008

Planet chakra

There are seven major chakras, and yes, everyone has them. They are spinning wheels of light that respond to color, essential oils, musical tones and gemstones. When the seven chakras are all vibrating at their ideal level, you are apt to feel a deep-seated contentedness, even bliss.
~ Anita Revel (

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fall in self love

When my single girlfriends wail that "there are no good men out there," I suggest that before they think about serious relationships and marriage, they first marry themselves in order to find true love.
~ Anita Revel (

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Behind every love story...

Within every love story hides the wooing of the gods and goddesses.

~ Deepak Chopra

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dust off your journal

Take a minute to journal today. Take a seat, relax, and let your spirit flow. You can write one or two lines, or a hundred – it doesn’t matter. Just feel free to write what comes to you.
~ Anita Revel (

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Laugh at the abyss

If you're facing a situation today that can be dealt with laughter instead of despair, then do it. Laugh into the abyss and listen for the echoes of light.
~ Anita Revel

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life may not be a party...

Life might not be the party you hoped for, but while you're here you may as well dance.

~ Anita Revel

Mobile Motivations

Start each day with an affirmation that promotes a sense of "goddess-ness" within you. Each day, week, or as inspiration hits, I'll be sending bite-size bits of wisdom to help you step into your goddess space and claim the glorious Self you were born to be.

To view these messages on your phone, simply visit and begin affirming :-)

Love love love
Anita Revel