Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009: A Year For Making It Happen

Your apprenticeship is officially over...

Hurrah hurrah, for so long we have been learning our life lessons, plugging away at growing, onwards and upwards, ever striving and ever thriving...

Now, 2009 is officially the year of MAKING IT HAPPEN. Of applying all that we've learned. Of reaching our highest potential and manifesting that which we've been working towards all this time.

What are you manifesting? What are your gifts you'll be sharing with the world? What will you be doing to shine your light on the whole delicious Universe? Add Your Comments

~ Anita Revel
(in her InnerGoddess newsletter via

*** Brought to you by ***

6-8 March 2009, Western Australia

Calling all mothers, daughters, grandmas, sisters, aunties, earth mamas, fairy godmothers, friends and goddess sisters... Join us for a gathering of fun, food, fabulousness, nature trysts, healing, laughter, medicine walks, workshopping and sisterhood.

* 2-day OMENS & ORACLES workshop, with Lucy Cavendish;
* Fully catered including a magical FEAST on Saturday evening;
* Energy exchange includes workshop, accommodation, meals and laughter.

Make yourself ready for the wonder: of 2009: come to the WWW, and find your wild, free self again. Don't miss out... Get your tickets online or phone 0417-YES-I-DO (0417-937-436 in Australia)

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