Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Attracting integrity

It’s only natural to feel anxious about some situations, but at the end of the play, it’s really all about you. Why are you so concerned about what other people think of you anyway? That's none of your business ;-) Know who you are to attract people of equal integrity.

~ Anita Revel
The 7-Day Chakra Workout


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Message from Kali

Hindu goddess of destruction, Kali rips the carpet from under your feet and turns your life upside-down, but only so that you can find your true life path. She also helps you get rid of your attachment to excess baggage (kind of like United Airlines, only Kali is more polite, ha ha).

~ Anita Revel


Monday, July 28, 2008

Affirmative action

By the time you go to bed tonight, you will have had around 60,000 thoughts go through your head. Reflect on your day for a moment… what ratio of your thoughts were positive? Were your thoughts mostly random or deliberate? Were they out of left-field or in reaction to a catalyst?

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Sunday, July 27, 2008

It is easy...

Some things are easy to change: you just do it. Other things are harder to change. Or are they just hard because you’re conditioned to believe that they’re hard? Why does it have to be hard? Change your words to “it is easy” and watch how everything falls into place for you.

If you catch yourself saying, “it’s hard,” stop and consciously change your statement to, “it is easy.”

~ Anita Revel
The Goddess Diet: See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sacred Vigilance

Sacred Vigilance is a new meditation tool. Please, don’t let the word “meditation” fool you. Sacred Vigilance is like anti-meditation in that it doesn’t involve quiet space, rhythmic breathing, chanting, sub-consciousness, fasting, slowing, or anywhere-in-betweening.

~ Anita Revel
Sacred Vigilance™ Wide-Awake Meditation

Friday, July 25, 2008

She who doesn't shine...

She who doesn’t shine shall never become a star.

~ Anita Revel

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Message from Lilith

Sumerian goddess Lilith is honoured for her wisdom, freedom, courage, playfulness and sexuality. Portrayed as a demon by frustrated priests, she is a true pioneer in promoting equality between the sexes by remaining true to feminine wisdom.

~ Anita Revel


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A woman is connected...

A woman who is connected with her inner goddess is one who truly loves every aspect of herself in all senses -- physically, mentally and emotionally. She never concedes her values, and chooses only to honour that which is right for her and for the greatest good of all.

~ Anita Revel

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Manifesting the ancient goddess

So how can a modern gal reconnect with the ancient goddess energy and manifest in her modern life?

Simple. By being aware of yourself and making choices with intention. Every action, thought, projection of self, and treatment of others is a reflection of the goddess within.

~ Anita Revel (

Monday, July 21, 2008

Being goddess

Being 'goddess' is about channelling and showing the strengths of the real You. A modern goddess is able to tap into her intuition and trust that it guides her in the right direction. She is able to look in the mirror and say, with meaning, "I love you." And, she is able to act with integrity for her highest good at all times.

~ Anita Revel

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The 7 key aspects of holistic well-being

By holistic well-being I mean that I achieved balance in the seven aspects of physical, transformational, intuitive, emotional, creative, mental and spiritual well-being.

What are you doing to achieve wellbeing in any (or all!) of these seven aspects?

~ Anita Revel


Saturday, July 19, 2008

What are you grateful for today?

We have a thousand things a day that entertain us, inspire us, humble us and teach us, but there should be at least one stand-out thing to be grateful for every day. What are you grateful for today?

~ Anita Revel

Friday, July 18, 2008

Goddess birth signs

Just like astrology, goddess energy defines who we are and what our life purpose may be. The alignment of stars and planets influence our personalities, values and choices. Every action, thought, projection of self, and treatment of others is a reflection of your goddess sign.

~ Anita Revel

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love is like jello

Love is like jello - the more you try and hold onto it, the more it squeezes out of your grasp.
~ Anita Revel (Memoirs of a Goddess)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Develop a goddess creed

Developing your own goddess creed allows you to summarise or talk about your Self and your passions with confidence. Even if you never say your creed out loud to others, just going through the process itself helps you work out in the first place who your Self is and what your passions are. It helps you reconnect with your inner workings, your values and where your boundaries lie. And maintaining boundaries, dear goddess sisters, is the giant leap for womankind that keeps us balanced and brimming with self-respect.
~ Anita Revel (

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Be a butt-kicking super goddess

When I say, Greek goddess Athena knows how to kick butt, I’m not talking about her anti-smoking habits. I’m talking about her ability to pick up her sword and defend her home-town of Athens and all that which was rightfully hers. Be inspired by Athena to win one of your own life challenges today.
~ Anita Revel (

Monday, July 14, 2008

Planet chakra

There are seven major chakras, and yes, everyone has them. They are spinning wheels of light that respond to color, essential oils, musical tones and gemstones. When the seven chakras are all vibrating at their ideal level, you are apt to feel a deep-seated contentedness, even bliss.
~ Anita Revel (

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fall in self love

When my single girlfriends wail that "there are no good men out there," I suggest that before they think about serious relationships and marriage, they first marry themselves in order to find true love.
~ Anita Revel (

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Behind every love story...

Within every love story hides the wooing of the gods and goddesses.

~ Deepak Chopra

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dust off your journal

Take a minute to journal today. Take a seat, relax, and let your spirit flow. You can write one or two lines, or a hundred – it doesn’t matter. Just feel free to write what comes to you.
~ Anita Revel (

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Laugh at the abyss

If you're facing a situation today that can be dealt with laughter instead of despair, then do it. Laugh into the abyss and listen for the echoes of light.
~ Anita Revel

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life may not be a party...

Life might not be the party you hoped for, but while you're here you may as well dance.

~ Anita Revel

Mobile Motivations

Start each day with an affirmation that promotes a sense of "goddess-ness" within you. Each day, week, or as inspiration hits, I'll be sending bite-size bits of wisdom to help you step into your goddess space and claim the glorious Self you were born to be.

To view these messages on your phone, simply visit and begin affirming :-)

Love love love
Anita Revel